Friday, May 06, 2005

examz are over!

harlow everyone!!!

my examz are finally over!!! finally!!! Just had my last paper yesterday. 60 MCQs in 2 hours. Sounds easy right??? harharhar...but it's not!!! The lecturer really made it super difficult. I took the whole of 2 hours to work those questions out! Anyway, I'm just so happy it's over for now. Heh. But the next step I'm absolutely dreading and anticipating!! Harharhar...just mixed feelings...gotta get my resume touched up, send out, go for interview...*sigh* so lazy leh...oh well! Gotta try to look forward to getting up super early in the morning, having only one stipulated hour of lunch, watching my back so I don't get stabbed and all the rest of the unpleasantries associated with working life. But I'm still so happy!!! Shall take a break before I work and I just KNOW God has an exciting plan for me!!! So I'm excited 'coz I know God is excited for me as well!!! Life is exciting!!! Harharhar...the optimist in me at work again...alright!!! Gotta go play my mindless games!!! Wanted to go swim, but it has to rain!!! Sun for the last 4 days while I was studying and when I'm free? IT RAINS!!! Aargh......but life is great!!! My God is great!!!



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