Monday, August 29, 2005

Our Plans and God's Plans

Dear folks

I read this article and found it very enlightening! Hehe..hope you will be edified as well. =)

=] beary

Our Plans and God's Plans

Friday, August 26, 2005by Os Hillman
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. ~ Proverbs 19:21

Have you ever heard of someone who spent years of preparation for one vocation only to end up doing something completely different? Perhaps this could be said of you. Quite often we have in our minds what we believe we want to do only to have a course correction. Often the course correction comes through a major crisis that forces us into an area that we would never have considered.
Such was the case for Samuel Morse. Born in 1791, Morse grew up desiring to be an artist, and he eventually became very talented and internationally known. However, it was difficult to make a living as an artist in America during that time. A series of crises further complicated his vocational desire when his wife died; then his mother and father also died soon after. He went to Europe to paint and reflect on his life. On his return trip aboard a ship, he was captivated by discussions at dinner about new experiments in electromagnetism. During that important occasion, Morse made the following comment, "If the presence of electricity can be made visible in any part of the circuit, I see no reason why intelligence may not be transmitted by electricity." In the face of many difficulties and disappointments, he determinedly perfected a new invention, and, in 1837, applied for a patent that became what we know today as the telegraph. He also created Morse code. It was only later, after many more setbacks and disappointments, that his projects received funding.
Samuel Morse later commented, "The only gleam of hope, and I cannot underrate it, is from confidence in God. When I look upward it calms any apprehension for the future, and I seem to hear a voice saying: 'If I clothe the lilies of the field, shall I not also clothe you?' Here is my strong confidence, and I will wait patiently for the direction of Providence." Morse went on to create several other inventions and can be recognized today as the father of faxes, modems, e-mail, the internet and other electronic communication. ["Glimpses," Issue #99 (Worcester, Pennsylvania: Christian History Institute, 1998).]
God's plans may not always seem to follow our natural inclination. Perhaps God has you taking a path that may not lead to His ultimate destination for you. Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all you do, and He shall direct your path (see Prov. 3:5-6).

Copyright 2005. To contact Os Hillman, click here. To book Os Hillman to speak in your city, click here. To request TGIF reprint permission, click here. Permission granted to forward this email in it's entirety to others at no cost.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Photos from europe -Part2

a view inside a shopping center..

hehehe.. when are we having proper cell? dunno if the chocolates can last... ;p

A side view of our hotel.. beautiful!

Brussel, can't remember where this was.. haha...

1 of the many churches there..

-_-! oh boy.. can't remember the name of the place.. but this build is just 1 of the building in a famous square of Brussel. Over hundreds of year old already..

Monday, August 15, 2005

photos from europe - part1

this is our practice venue...
aa... our hotel which we stayed for a week :p love this cosy place
section photo from helsinki, finland.. very cold..
someone's garden... hehe.. didnt ask permission..
a view near our practice place..

think i'll need to edit the photos before the next upload.. take up too much space.. :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Europe trip - God's wonderful creation & blessings

Hi people,

Thanks for praying for me. hehehe... i love Holland... didn't wanted to come back. Love the sceneries there. I shall post some of the pics i take when i finish consolidating all my photos.. ( haha.. they are all over my friends' cameras and harddisk) :P

Thank God for healing my flu over there. (realised i'm the only one that nose stop flu immediately after 1 night rest, hehe.. but later got bad throat la.. which many people there also had.) Cos didnt adjust to the temperature there when we reached finland to transit to brussel. Had a short tour at Finland cos when we reached there, it was 6plus am and our next flight was in the late afternoon. 14 degrees at helsinki, slight rain, super cold... like full blast air-con and fan blowing straight at you. ouch!

visited some nice churches, like the rock church, built by blasting a hole in a huge rock and cover it up with coils as roof and there you have! a church! hehe, interesting.. that day was sunday, so most shops aren't open... (so sad) would have enjoy finland more if i didnt had such horrible flu.. watery eyes and nose, hardly see anything.. -_-! ( hehe.. used up all my friends' tissue papers)

then head back to the airport and take internal flight to brussel where we reached there around 7 plus pm, took a 2 hour plus bus ride to our hotels... band too big, got splitted into 3 hotels. wahh!! i love my hotel.. small but so cosy and homely. Love the weather there, slightly warmer, 16 to 20 degrees, still have to wear 3 layers of clothes.. like the pets people keep, not like singapore, they keeps all kinds of dogs, cats seldom see, chickens, and they even keep deers! oh my, so cute :D

ok la.. that's all for now... hard to describe without pics.. haiz.. my friend extended his trip, won't be back till this fri... photos in his harddisk.. so.. :D patience people... for part 2. ;)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Pls pray with me!

Harlow fellow cell-u-lites!

harharhar...just a short entry...hope you enjoyed the photos! Betta thank Lawrence for bring camera that day...hee...thank you lawrence! Anyway, please pray for Louis kae. He went for an x-ray last week because his back has been hurting since March and he only went to a few sinsehs, stubbornly refusing Western treatment until the third (and last, thankfully!) sinseh advised him to go for a scan. He got back the results today and it showed that he has a slight fracturein the spine!!! However, he says the doctor thinks it is not very serious, but he has to go for an MRI scan next Thursday and see a spine specialist. After that the doctor will decide if he has to go for surgery or just physiotherapy. Hopefully he doesn't have to undergo surgery.

Secondly, please pray for patience for me kae!!! I have a super trying manager who's soft spoken and gentle but extremely naggy and demanding!!! He's like some grandmother who thinks I can do the impossible!!! And he keeps nagging and repeating stuff until I feel like walking out of the office to scream! I really need patience me please... *sighz* =(

And now I totally understand what Sharon means when she says that she lives for public holidays. Praise God! Happy National Day to everybody! Harharhar...I'm absolutely relishing the thought of the pure and unadulterated time of slacking this weekend...heh...

Heads up! Chins up! I am super grateful to God still! =D

significantly insignificant me. =]

the last ones... =]

more photos....

photo galore!

our group photo! =]