Saturday, September 08, 2007

celebration - Iron Chef

8th August was the night of the IRon chef.. 4 teams participated but there is one champion and that was.... North koinonia!!!.. praise the Lord.. Well done koinoians!! :)

That night, the special ingredient was "kiwi".. 4 of it still... the criteria were that it has to be a main dish, kiwi has to be infused into that dish..

After much discussions and brainstorm... we decided to have omelette wrap over fried rice (with kiwi, pineapple and sausages, plus garnish over with seaweed), plus dumplings stuffed with minced meat and kiwi. (did i missed out anything??..)

The prize of winning.. $50 swensens voucher!!... so we decided to spent it during one of our connect week...
4th sept.. the day of celebration.. Bishan...

We decided to have dinner somewhere else first so that we can spent more for dessert at swensens.. dinner at yoshiyonna. THanks to Lawrence who made all the preparations and booking but was unable to attend last minute.. wat a pity...

here to the Swensens restaurant!! yummy!!

Louis, our guest during Iron chef night

the girls choosing wisely for their ice-cream

group photo!! while waiting patiently for the arrival of the dessert

decided to play cards to kill time... Clark preparing for the game...

Rachel's turn.. decided to pose for a "cheese" while both her hands were busy...

Tada!!!... our 2 giant earthquakes!!...

and 2 Apple crumbles in sizzling pans!!.. the card games continues.. with a toppling of fries as well..

It was a fulfilling dinner that night... we couldn't finished our food.. but Thank God for Clark!!.. who rescued our tummies..

take it all brother!!!... yummy!!..


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