Sunday, October 12, 2008

Connect Week- Southern Ridges

Yoz~ we had a lovely connect week on the 1st oct morning, accomplishing the southern ridges within 3hours. Here are some of the photos taken, erm.. many other photos are with others (cos i was not the official photographer.. hee..) for more photos, pls hunt thru those with facebook or the hikers themselves.. muahahaha...

we met up at 8am, Buona Vista MRT, then took a bus to Kent Ridge Park. Photo below taken at the start of kent ridge park.
The orderly hike at kent ridge... oops... i got left behind somehow.. (to snap a shot)
The nice view of kent ridge park facing the sea.
At the arrival of Hort Park, where plants and trees are pampered and well groomed.
hehe.. hf in the wonderland... disturbing the poor lion~ After some exploring at hort park~ cheers! time for the next destination- Alexandra Arc..
Our fast hikers reaching the arc before everyone else.
traveling across treetop trail... look straight! if you're afraid of heights~

This is why... look at the height~ you can actually look through the walkway you know...

The famous henderson wave finally approaches.. oops.. only the backside of the wave.. someone pls contribute photos on this area~ (^.^)

Entering into the forest walk..
hohoho.. end of hiking photos.. cos i got too tired to snap anymore pictures.. some brief summary after the forest walk.. we reaches mount faber, where the cable cars are.. then we had a short little break, then enter to the last trail, the marang trail which finally leads us to Harbour front MRT/ Vivo City! LUNCHY!

Here's where we had our yummy lunch~ a HK-style cafe and guess who's birthdays are we celebrating for this month?
Our beloved brothers~ ooh... btw, they are september babies~ (^.^)
Thats the end of the 1st half of our connect week~ the 2nd half was kinda splitted for homeward bound and shopping craze. hey guys, pls also post some of the interesting pics from your cameras~ mine are mostly ad-hoc snaps. =P


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